Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26 update

 The new church building is beginning to form it's image. The exterior now has all the brick laid. The next phase is the EIFS Gables, columns and Cross on the front high gable. This should be done on the first week of July and should be finished within a week. Hopefully we will finish the stone on the following week. The stone will be on the front entrance and front bump outs and part of the columns.
the interior now has sheetrock on the classrooms and mostly filled and ready for paint. The fellowship hall and kitchen is sheet rocked and some filled. The sanctuary is almost ready for sheetrock. Billy is installing the can and track lighting and most of the wiring is done. The main panel is on its way and we should have electricity soon. The prisoners are building the cabinets and have several units made and stained. Everyone is doing a fantastic job. The stain glass windows are ready to install but are waiting on the sheetrock to be finished in the sanctuary. We will be very close to finish within the next 8 to 10 weeks but so will the funding. Donations will then be needed to furnish the building and asphalt for the parking lot. Praise God for the blessings we have already received and the funds you have given. I'm excited about the opportunity we have to reach more people in the community's we serve and may it be used to reach many souls and needs for many years. Thank you Jesus!

                                         Sunday School class rooms wing and drive through

                                                 fellowship hall wing and drive through
                                                Will get stone front and bump outs


                                                    Sliding Stain glass in front of baptistery

                                                             Hallway to class rooms.


                                                          Fellowship hall and kitchen

                                             Cabinets for kitchen made on site by prisoners