Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1 Update on our New Church

We are currently doing the wiring, heat and air, and building the Pulpit and baptistery area. We are very close to starting the brick and stone work. We will have two drive through's, one at each of the two wings. We need your prayer's and support as we lean heavily on the Lord's help financially to see us through this project. With the Lord's help hopefully we will have our 100th. Aniversary in the new building which will be June of 2015. Praise the Lord for using Emory Heights in adding many souls to his Kingdom. Several Churches were started through our ministry and many preachers have wonderfully carried out the work of the preaching of the gospel. We are a church that supports Missionary's to spread the gospel to people from afar. If you would like to support this ministry you may send donations to Emory Heights Missionary Baptist Church PO Box 894. We will have a presentation of our 100 years of ministry the first Sunday of June 2015. Please make plans to attend!

 View of The Sanctuary and sloped floor. Completely handicap capability.
 A lot of back filling to do as you can tell from the rear concrete pad.
 Left wing drive thru columns.
 Left wing drive thru columns
                                                 Hall way to Sunday Schools Rooms.
                                                              Women's Bathroom
                                                                Men's bathroom
                                                         Sunday School Classroom
                                              Classrooms and arch frame for stain glass
                                              View of rear balcony and video room
                                                                       Choir area
                                                                        Choir area
                                                  Fellow ship hall and Kitchen, Yum
                                             Fellowship Hall and mechanical room above
                                                                 Fellowship hall
                                                       Office and conference room
                                                                        Bathroom #3
                                                         Bathroom and valve room
 Foyer and nursery. The nursery will have a viewing screen and sound to hear the services
 2nd. floor balcony mechanical room
                                                              View from balcony
                                        Balcony Video room. Notice the curvature trusses.
                                                                 Curvature trusses
 View from balcony
                                                      View from balcony. Hope you enjoy!

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